Welcome to GreenScore

So you’ve decided to see how green you really are?

In the next few minutes you’ll be guided through a series of questions that will analyse the habits of both you and the people that you live with. The GreenScore applies to ‘households’ so you may have to consider more than just your own behaviour.

It shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to complete and by the end of it you’ll be given loads of useful tips to make your home ‘greener’! Your individual answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be passed to any other organisation. Happy scoring!

Based on a survey developed with


With support from




Welcome to Global Action Plan

The practical environmental charity

Global Action Plan delivers tangible environmental, social and financial improvements through providing priceless know how and asset management systems solutions and working practically and creatively with hundreds of thousands of people from all sections of society and business with the participation even from the finance investing industry and some of the best forex brokers. In homes, the workplace, schools and the wider community we help to make the small changes that have a big impact on the things that matter.

If you’re looking for help to cut your carbon footprint, tips on how to make more environmentally friendly choices or compelling and innovative ideas on how to communicate environmental messages you’ll find them here.

“The best organisation to engage people in environmental change is Global Action Plan.”
Jonathon Porritt, Chair, Sustainable Development Commission

“If you think one person’s actions won’t do much to achieve change then the obvious answer is to team up.”
David Miliband MP, Foreign Minister on EcoTeams